Rok Počet zariadení ústavnej zdravotnej starostlivosti Počet oddelení Počet pracovných miest v kategórii lekár Počet postelí na 1 lekárske miesto Využitie postelí (%) Počet ošetrovacích dní Priemerný ošetrovací čas (dni) Počet postelí v oddeleniach Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho anesteziológia a intenzívna medicína Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho dermatovenerológia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho detská chirurgia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho dlhodobo chorí Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho doliečovacie Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho foniatria Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho geriatria Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho gynekológia a pôrodníctvo Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho hematológia a transfuziológia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho chirurgia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho infektológia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho jednotky intenzívnej starostlivosti spolu Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho kardiochirurgia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho kardiológia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho klinická onkológia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho klinické pracovné lekárstvo a klinická toxikológia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho maxilofaciálna chirurgia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho neonatológia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho neurochirurgia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho neurológia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho oftalmológia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho onkológia v chirurgii Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho ortopédia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho otorinolaryngológia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho pediatria Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho plastická chirurgia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho pneumológia a ftizeológia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho popáleninové Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho psychiatria Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho radiačná onkológia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho úrazová chirurgia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho urológia Počet postelí v oddeleniach z toho vnútorné lekárstvo
2012 21 168 1 460,19 2,9 71,6 1 048 159 7,5 4 173 90 40 73 182 20 10 91 331 55 252 48 31 64 78 104 17 39 188 52 209 41 88 148 51 113 37 83 30 148 107 86 102 420
2013 20 167 1 361,62 3 72,4 1 059 630 7,5 4 141 88 24 73 195 20 10 91 328 55 255 48 33 64 79 104 17 39 188 52 209 41 88 145 51 110 25 83 30 148 107 89 101 414
2014 20 169 1 335,90 3 73,2 1 043 422 7,3 4 039 88 24 73 139 20 10 91 323 55 246 48 34 64 79 104 17 39 193 58 209 31 88 147 56 104 25 83 30 148 94 86 103 413
2015 20 167 1 310,76 3,1 72,5 1 019 406 7,2 4 075 91 24 73 139 20 10 91 323 57 248 48 33 64 83 104 14 39 199 58 211 29 88 144 55 104 25 83 30 148 106 105 105 411
2016 22 168 1 336,18 3,1 71,1 1 003 749 7 4 141 97 24 73 138 20 10 91 323 57 249 48 32 64 83 145 14 39 199 72 211 29 99 151 55 104 25 83 30 148 102 105 105 364
2017 23 169 1424,63 3 69,5 982392 7 4 224 97 24 73 197 20 10 91 323 57 246 48 32 64 83 145 14 39 199 72 211 29 99 153 55 104 25 83 30 148 102 105 105 370
2018 24 173 1448,7 2,9 68,5 955353 6,9 4 187 102 24 73 181 20 10 72 323 57 248 48 32 64 83 145 14 38 199 72 218 29 99 153 55 104 25 83 30 166 102 105 105 361
Indicator Number of institutional health care establishments Number of wards Number of working posts in category physician Number of beds per one physician post Utilization of beds (%) Number of days of stay Average length of days of stay (days) Number of beds in wards Number of beds in wards of which - Anaesthesiology and intensive medicine Number of beds in wards of which - Dermatovenerology Number of beds in wards of which - Pediatric surgery Number of beds in wards of which - Long-term ill patients Number of beds in wards of which - After-treatment Number of beds in wards of which - Phoniatrics Number of beds in wards of which - Geriatrics Number of beds in wards of which - Gynaecology and obstetrics Number of beds in wards of which - Haematology and trasfusiology Number of beds in wards of which - Surgery Number of beds in wards of which - Infectology Number of beds in wards of which - Intensive care units in total Number of beds in wards of which - Cardiosurgery Number of beds in wards of which - Cardiology Number of beds in wards of which - Clinical oncology Number of beds in wards of which - Clinical occupational medicine and clinical toxicology Number of beds in wards of which - Maxillofacial surgery Number of beds in wards of which - Neonatology Number of beds in wards of which - Neurosurgery Number of beds in wards of which - Neurology Number of beds in wards of which - Ophtalmology Number of beds in wards of which - Surgical oncology Number of beds in wards of which - Orthopaedics Number of beds in wards of which - Otorhinolaryngology Number of beds in wards of which - Paediatrics Number of beds in wards of which - Plastic surgery Number of beds in wards of which - Pneumology and phthisiology Number of beds in wards of which - Burns Number of beds in wards of which - Psychiatry Number of beds in wards of which - Radiological oncology Number of beds in wards of which - Accident surgery Number of beds in wards of which - Urology Number of beds in wards of which - Internal medicine