Within the network of cycling routes in Bratislava, there are cyclo-counters used to collect data about the crossings by cyclists. Cycle-counters make it possible to monitor the total number of bicycles crossings and the development trend across periods. Cyclo-counters are located on the Bratislava dam Berg (Cyclo-counter Berg), on the Vienna Road (Cyclo-counter Viedenská), on the Starý Most (Cyclo-counter Starý Most) and on the riverfront (Cyclo-counter Riverfront). Some of the devices are multi-sensor. In addition to the number of pedestrians, they also collect information on the number of cyclists on the air quality at a given location. Their exact location is shown on the map below.

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Cyclo-counter Berg

Total number of bicycles crossings in directions to the Slovak Republic and Austria on the Berg dam by months


Number of bicycles crossings in 24 hours in directions to the Slovak Republic and Austria on the Berg dam by month


The average number of bicycles crossings in directions to the Slovak Republic and Austria on the Berg dam by day of crossing

Berg in the year 2024

Berg in the year 2023

Berg in the year 2022

Berg in the year 2021

Berg in the year 2020

Berg in the year 2019

Berg in the year 2018

Berg in the year 2017

Berg in the year 2016

Berg in the year 2015

The average number of bicycles crossings in directions to the Slovak Republic and Austria on the Berg dam by time of crossing

Berg in the year 2024

Berg in the year 2023

Berg in the year 2022

Berg in the year 2021

Berg in the year 2020

Berg in the year 2019

Berg in the year 2018

Berg in the year 2017

Berg in the year 2016

Berg in the year 2015

Newest datasets

Newest PowerBI


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