Traffic of theatrical performance of DPOH over the past 5 years
Traffic of theatrical performance of DPOH over the past 5 years (DPOH - Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav Theatre)
Bratislava Cultural and Information Center - Number of Realized and Canceled Events Over the past 5 years
Bratislava Cultural and Information Center - Number of Realized and Canceled Events Over the past 5 years
Bratislava City Library - Number of visitors at individual departments and sections over the past 5 years
Bratislava City Library - Number of visitors at individual departments and sections over the past 5 years
Bratislava City Library - Number of registered readers in the last 5 years
Bratislava City Library - Number of registered readers in the last 5 years
Bratislava City Library - List and number of borrowing services over the past 5 years
Bratislava City Library - List and number of borrowing services over the past 5 years
Bratislava City Library - Composition of the Book Fund over the past 5 years
Bratislava City Library - Composition of the Book Fund over the past 5 years
Bratislava City Library - Book Fund State Over the past 5 years
Bratislava City Library - Book Fund State Over the past 5 years
Archive of Bratislava City - Number of active generators, number of processed archive documents, number of browsing, number of research visits and number of researchers over the past 4 years
Archive of Bratislava City - Number of active generators, number of processed archive documents, number of browsing, number of research visits and number of researchers over the past 4 years
The number of visitors to the Museum of the City of Bratislava in the last 5 years according to paying and non-paying visitors
The number of visitors to the Museum of the City of Bratislava in the last 5 years according to paying and non-paying visitors
Visits to the Bratislava City Gallery over the last 7 years by month
Visits to the Bratislava City Gallery over the last 7 years by month

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